Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), being a part of any Higher Educational Institution (HEI) going for accreditation and thereafter, going ahead towards quality enhancement and sustenance. IQAC at Sri Shanmugha College of Nursing established on 15th September 2023 is marching towards ensure quality nursing education. The Cell actively functions with the aim of developing a system for consistent and catalytic actions to conscious, improve the academic and administrative performance of the college. Further, it promotes measures for institutional functioning towards quality education on par with global standards for nursing education. The IQAC has been made as an integral and independent part of this College.
To take Constant Continuous Consistent Efforts for monitoring and reviewing the academic progress towards quality standards for the sustainable inclusive growth of the institution.
To define quality standards in teaching effectiveness, curriculum relevance, student engagement, assessment methods, and learning outcomes.
To determine the well-defined evaluation process and to identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement.
To promote the culture of continuous improvement and to foster the values innovation, collaboration, and lifelong learning.